Designing cocoa-based agroforestry systems based on farmers’ perception of cultivated biodiversity
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Cacao Agroforestal en República Dominicana Biodiversidad y rentabilidad económica
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An innovative public/private partnership for a sustainable transformation of the cocoa agrichain in the Dominican Republic
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The Cacao Forest Program (Africa, Latin America and the Caribean) A fruitful collaboration between science and chocolate
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Contribution of cacao agroforestry versus mono‑cropping systems for enhanced sustainability. A review with a focus on yield
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Participative design of the spatial and temporal development of improved cocoa agroforestry systems for yield and biodiversity
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The spatial distribution and height of associated crops influence cocoa tree productivity in complex agroforestry systems
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Plant diversity and density in cocoa-based agroforestry systems: how farmers’ income is affected in the Dominican Republic
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Summary of data and lacks thereof on cocoa in the Dominican Republic
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Influence d’Erythrina poeppigiana sur les cacaoyers dans les systèmes agroforestiers dominicains
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Study of the soil macrofauna in tropical cacao-based agroforestry systems in the Dominican Republic.
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Apports des sciences participatives et des sciences agronomiques à la conception de systèmes agroforestiers complexes innovants
Integrar la Monilia del cacao en un plan nacional de rehabilitación & renovacion
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Prevención y manejo de la Monilia del cacao La necesidad de una visión agroforestal
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Comparison of the contribution of a participatory approach and a mathematical modeling in the design of complex agroforestry systems
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Comparison of the contribution of a participatory approach and a statistical modeling in the design of complex agroforestry systems
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Harvesting practices and their influence on soil macrofauna in cocoa-based agroforestry systems
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Time effect of cocoa pod decomposition on earthworm density in agroforestry systems of the Dominican Republic
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Effect of cocoa pod decomposition on earthworm density in agroforestry systems in the Dominican Republic
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Cacao Agroforestal en República Dominicana Biodiversidad y Producción
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Mapping plant diversity in cocoa-based agroforestry systems to improve overall productivity (summary)
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Mapping plant diversity in cocoabased agroforestry systems to improve overall productivity
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Contribution of plant diversity to farmers’ income in cocoa-based agroforestry systems
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Participatory design of sustainable cocoa-based Agroforestry Systems a methodological approach in the Dominican Republic